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Families of Klein surfaces
and real-etale rational fonctions

phD defended the 16 December 2004, abstract.
Author: Mathilde Lahaye-Hitier

The main topic of this thesis is the classification -- up to isotopy -- of real-etale rational functions of $ \mathbb{P}^{\smash{1}}_{\mathbb{R}}=\mathbb{P}^{\smash{1}}$.

A real rational function is a fraction of two polynomes with real coefficients, or, equivalently, an endomorphism of $ \mathbb{P}^{\smash{1}}$. We say that such a function is real-etale if it is unramified over the real points of $ \mathbb{P}^{\smash{1}}$. As we will see later, these functions are interesting because of their link with M-surfaces. Our study is in relation with the article [EG02]of A. Eremenko and A. Gabrielov. They solve there a B. and M. Shapiro conjecture in dimension 1. . Therefore, they study the rational functions of $ \mathbb{P}^{\smash{1}}$ with only real ramification points.

Looking at the real-etale rational functions up to homotopy, we may pass through rational functions that have ramification over real points. This is too rough a classification. That's why we rather study the real-etale rational functions up to isotopy. Two such functions are isotopes if it is possible to pass from one to the other by continuous deformations in the set of real-etale rational functions with same degree.
To give a more precise definition of the notion of isotopy, a first part of the thesis develops the theory of continuous families of Klein surfaces. Therefore, I take the view point of locally ringed spaces. In particular, it allows a more natural definition of morphisms of Klein surfaces than the one given in the classical theory. Moreover, it makes the work with families easier.In this study, I also prove a Riemann Existence Theorem for this families.

The main objects of the classification are the signed trees associated to a real-etale rational function. Topologically, an endomorphism of $ \mathbb{P}^{\smash{1}}$ est un revêtement ramifié du disque fermé par lui-même. Une fonction rationnelle $ f$ sur $ \mathbb{P}^{\smash{1}}$ s real-etale if and only if the inverse image $ f^{-1}\bigl(\mathbb{P}^{\smash{1}}(\mathbb{R})\bigr)$ of the set of real points is a disjoint union of topological circles in $ \mathbb{C}$.
This circles are the vertices of the tree. The vertices are the connected components of $ f^{-1}\bigl(\mathbb{P}^{\smash{1}}\setminus\mathbb{P}^{\smash{1}}(\mathbb{R})\bigr)$. An edge e is the extremity of a vertex v if the topological circle e is included in the closure of v dans $ \mathbb{P}^{\smash{1}}$. Moreover, to each edge e is associated a weight which correspond to the degree of the restriction of $ f$ restreint à e . An orientation on $ \mathbb{P}^{\smash{1}}$ induces an orientation on its set of real points. We then add at the foot of the weighted tree of $ f$ a "+" or "-" sign depending on whether $ f$ respects or inverses respectively the orientation on $ \mathbb{P}^{\smash{1}}(\mathbb{R})$. This way, we get the signed tree of $ f$.
Conversely, to each signed tree may be associated a real-etale rational function.


Emilio Bujalance, José J. Etayo, José M. Gamboa, and Grzegorz Gromadzki.
Automorphism Groups of Compact Bordered Klein Surfaces, volume 1439 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics.
Springer-Verlag, 1990.
A. Eremenko and A. Gabrielov.
Rational functions with real critical points and the B. and M. Shapiro conjecture in real enumerative geometry.
Ann. of Math. (2), 155(1):105-129, 2002.
M. Seppälä and R. Silhol. Moduli spaces for real algebraic curves and real abelian varieties. Math. Z., 201(2):151-165, 1989.
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